Sep 26, 2022
Sustainability at All Real Nutrition
All Real is one small community, on one big mission! Sustainability has been at the very core of All Real from the beginning. However, sustainability is a blanket term and often gets misconstrued. When we say that we are fully committed to sustainability, we are referring to the planet, our mission, our products and our collaboration with Plastic Bank. However, we are also referring to how we manufacture our products, how we contribute to our local community, and of course, our staff. Here are the ways in which All Real practices full circle sustainability:
- All Real Impact Project
A lot of you might know about the All Real impact project but just in case! Each All Real product purchased funds the prevention of plastic from entering our oceans, in collaboration with Plastic Bank. As well as this, all proceeds raised from our community events also go towards the All Real Impact Project, which means our community (that’s you!) can get involved and play a part in helping the environment!
- Plastic free & compostable packaging
The packaging on our protein bars is entirely plastic free and fully home compostable! During the composting process, the packaging fully breaks down within 26 weeks, leaving no adverse effects on the environment. This is a result of utilising our bio-based paper and metallised cellulose films which are manufactured from sustainably sourced wood pulp.
- Sustainable manufacturing - cert origin green
Our sustainability begins right here in the All Real Protein Kitchen. Our factory is fully certified as an Origin Green facility for our sustainable manufacturing policies of minimising waste, water and electricity. Origin Green is the worlds' only national food and drink sustainability programme which recognises our efforts towards helping the environment.

- Local ingredients
To minimise food miles and support the local economy we use: Irish Milk Protein, Irish Atlantic sea salt, Irish suppliers wherever possible. The milk protein we use is formulated especially for All Real, using the milk of grass-fed cows which are surrounding our factory in Co. Kerry.
- Our staff
All of our staff begin their All Real journey on a minimum of living wage. Here at All Real, we believe that happy staff make the best products. Not to mention, they have access to an amazing supply of natural protein bars to snack on and enjoy!
- Supporting events and sponsorship
You may often spot All Real bars at events you attend, whether it’s here in County Kerry, or anywhere else on the island of Ireland. Events we support or sponsor vary from sporting events, mindfulness events, corporate events and more. Let’s not forget about the student of Ireland - our All Real student ambassadors are in various colleges around Ireland attending events and making sure that club & society members are never without a protein filled snack!

- Leftover food product
Here at All Real HQ, our bars are often produced too small, too large or have slight defects that mean they cannot be sold in retail, but are perfectly edible and still every bit as delicious. We hate to see anything go to waste, so we have teamed up with Kerry Food Cloud and often send these bars their way. Furthermore, our bars are often included in Saint Vincent de Paul food parcels. Not only does this lower food waste emissions, but it means that those in need are getting the nutrients they need, from an all natural food source.
- Sharing sustainable tips and tricks with our community
We make a conscious effort to ensure that the All Real community are up to date on the best ways to remain sustainable in their daily lives. We share several tricks and tips in our exclusive All Real Community Group, as well on our social media channels, within our emails and through our blog posts. You can even read a list of ideas on how to reuse your All Real peanut butter jar here.

- Merch that helps you avoid plastic waste
Did you know that we stock All Real reusable water bottles? A reusable water bottle is an essential when it comes to reducing your single use plastic waste, plus it saves you money and keeps your water cool all day long. This comes in super handy for summer adventures! Shop here.